“Santosh, an IIT aspirant, is struggling to achieve good scores despite his best efforts. To find answers to his doubts, he approaches Sir Amal. His close friends accompany him: Anand, a talented but easily distracted student; Deepika, whose self-confidence has been shaken by poor marks; and Thomas, who doesn’t want to prepare for NEET but is under immense pressure. All four eventually discover the secrets to success: self-control, self-confidence, and self-empowerment. This book illuminates the art of concentration through their exciting story.
Reading this book will provide you with numerous benefits, including:
- Learning to overcome 21st-century distractions
- Gaining self-control over your mind and emotions
- Awakening interest and strong motivation for studies
- Developing genuine and deep self-confidence
- Learning to rise from failures and leap towards success
- Discovering the secret to performing your best in exams
- Learning mindfulness and meditation to enhance concentration”