The Indian holy cows’ dung cakes are considered sacred and have a prominent place in worships, pujas, and ceremonies. You can now get the Indian Holy cow dung cakes delivered to your doorstep for all Homams and Yagnas.
Cow dung cakes have been used in traditional Indian households for yagnas, ceremonies, rituals, etc. It is used to purify air as it is said to release oxygen when burnt with ghee.
Cow Dung Cakes – Gobar Upla for Hawan and Indian Rituals.
All the sacred texts revered the cow dung while all other forms of excrements are seen as being abominable, and there are so many uses mentioned in the sacred texts as part of the ceremonies and worship for the cow dung.
Yagnas and homas are spiritual ceremonies where offerings to God are burnt in fire.