This book offers a comprehensive and lucid approach to the philosophy and practice of this chanting process. Based on Harinam Cintamani of Bhaktivinoda Thakur, it serves similarly as entry, reference and a source of absorption. Numerous quotes from the Vedic scriptures complete the detailed philosophical and practical instructions. Thus, besides the required knowledge, the reader will find a great source of inspiration to taste the nectarean ocean of the Holy Name himself.
Originally printed in 1999 as a hardbound, this is the reprinted and revised edition in softbound format,
a profound analysis and tips for practicing the chanting of the Lord’s Holy Names in 8 chapters.
Extended appendix of nectarean verses like Siksastaka, Sri Krsna-namastaka, Sri Caitanya Upanisad, Sri Bhakti-rasayana and many verses from several scriptures, list of verses quoted, verse index, glossary, and general index.